I’ve recently started experimenting with Bicep for deploying Azure resources declaratively.

In this post, I’ll show you how to create a Bicep file which declares a simple Azure Budget with a monthly alert.

Creating the .bicep file

Create a new file, called main.bicep.

The first thing we’ll declare in this file is the target scope of any resources that we create. In this case, the Budget we’re creating will be created at a Subscription level.

targetScope = 'subscription'

Next, we’ll declare some input parameters to be used when we deploy our resources.

param startDate string
param endDate string
param email array

The startDate and endDate will be used to configure how long our Budget lasts, whilst the email array will be used to send email alerts.

Finally, we’ll declare the Budget resource itself.

resource budget 'Microsoft.Consumption/budgets@2021-10-01' = {
  name: 'BudgetMonthly'
  properties: {
    timePeriod: {
      startDate: startDate
      endDate: endDate
    timeGrain: 'Monthly'
    amount: 10
    category: 'Cost'
    notifications: {
      NotificationForExceededBudget1: {
        enabled: true
        operator: 'GreaterThan'
        threshold: 90
        contactEmails: email
      NotificationForExceededBudget2: {
        enabled: true
        operator: 'GreaterThan'
        threshold: 110
        contactEmails: email

The thresholds within the two notification objects can be thought of as our triggers; the first threshold of 90 means that we’ll send a notification once we’ve exceeded 90% of our amount (which in this case is $10, meaning $0.90); the second threshold of 110 means that we’ll send a notification once we’ve exceeded 110% of our amount ($1.10).

Deploying the resources declared in the .bicep file

If you don’t already have the Azure CLI installed, you can find an installation guide at Microsoft Learn.

With the Azure CLI installed and authenticated, deploying the resource is done using the following PowerShell commands:

$email = @("user@contoso.com")

New-AzSubscriptionDeployment -Name budgetMonthly -Location uksouth -TemplateFile ./main.bicep -startDate "2023-03-01" -endDate "2023-12-31" -email $email