A simple automation need that I stumbled across recently was the ability to quickly create a .zip file from a static set of files and directories. Rather than run a long command in PowerShell each time, I bundled everything up into a quick function that I can run using New-StaticZipFile.

The Compress-Archive cmdlet lets us create a compressed, or zipped, archive file. There are limitations (e.g. maximum file size is 2GB) to this cmdlet, as well as more advanced options, such as the level of compression needed, but we’ll be keeping it really simple here.


    Creates a compressed archive, or zipped file, from specified files and

    Compress-Archive [-Path] <System.String[]> [-DestinationPath] <System.String> [-CompressionLevel {Optimal | NoCompression |
    Fastest}] -Force [-PassThru] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]

The Path argument we pass will be a list of the static files which we want to add to our .zip file. So, to begin our function we’ll create and populate this list.

$Files = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.ArrayList'

With our list of static files populated, we’re ready for them to be compressed. We’ll also need to tell the Compress-Archive cmdlet where to put them, e.g. the path to our newly-created archive, which we do using the DestinationPath parameter.

Compress-Archive -Path $(Files) -DestinationPath 'C:\Users\StuartMcColl\OneDrive\Documents\MyArchive.zip'

Altogether, the function so far looks like:

function New-StaticZipFile
  $Files = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.ArrayList'
  Compress-Archive -Path $(Files) -DestinationPath 'C:\Users\StuartMcColl\OneDrive\Documents\MyArchive.zip'

This will work absolutely fine - on the first run. In your terminal, you’ll see the following output:


These numbers are output when we add to our $Files list. If we then run a Get-Item .\* command, the output will be:

        Directory: C:\Users\StuartMcColl\Documents\

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
la---        28/05/2022     11:54           5475   MyArchive.zip
la---        28/05/2022     11:42              0   Document.docx
la---        28/05/2022     11:42           6191   Worksheet.xlsx

We can see that we’ve successfully created MyArchive.zip. If we run the New-StaticZipFile function again, we’ll be met with the following error:

The archive file C:\Users\StuartMcColl\OneDrive\Documents\MyArchive.zip already
exists. Use the -Update parameter to update the existing archive file or use
the -Force parameter to overwrite the existing archive file.

We could use the Compress-Archive cmdlet to update any existing MyArchive.zip file if we find one, but for my use case I’m happy to remove any existing file and simply create a new one. Rather than simply -Force the overwrite of the existing archive file, I also want to know that there was already a MyArchive.zip file before I remove it.

If (Test-Path -Path C:\Users\StuartMcColl\OneDrive\Documents\MyArchive.zip -PathType Leaf)
  Write-Host 'Deleting existing MyArchive.zip file'
  Remove-Item -Path C:\Users\StuartMcColl\OneDrive\Documents\MyArchive.zip

Altogether, with some additional output gives us:

function New-StaticZipFile
  Write-Host 'Creating new MyArchive.zip file'

  $Files = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.ArrayList'

  If (Test-Path -Path C:\Users\StuartMcColl\OneDrive\Documents\MyArchive.zip -PathType Leaf)
    Write-Host 'Deleting existing MyArchive.zip file'
    Remove-Item -Path C:\Users\StuartMcColl\OneDrive\Documents\MyArchive.zip

  Compress-Archive -Path $(Files) -DestinationPath 'C:\Users\StuartMcColl\OneDrive\Documents\MyArchive.zip'

  Write-Host 'Finished creating new MyArchive.zip file'